
Product category
Product brandProduct characteristics
Product application
Composite 6T
High gloss, high flow
Electrical shell, electronic parts
Enhanced 6T
T6620 NG6
High rigidity, high heat resistance
Electrical appliances, space shuttle, electronics, automobile, machinery and other parts
T6620 NG9
Flame retardant 6T
T6130 NV0
Environment friendly flame retardant v0

Flame retardant reinforced 6T
T6630 NVG6

High heat resistance, environmental protection, flame retardant

Dimensional stability and weldability

T6630 NVG9
Wear resistant grade 6T
T6690 NS2
High wear resistance, high flow and stable size

T6690 NS4
Thermal conductivity 6T
T6600 AL05
heat conduction

T6600 AL10

云浮市| 班戈县| 江孜县| 堆龙德庆县| 玉门市| 花莲县| 松滋市| 习水县| 遵义市| 乌海市| 古交市| 鲁山县| 隆昌县| 育儿| 荆州市| 永靖县| 石景山区| 皮山县| 枞阳县| 乌兰察布市| 昌江| 南木林县| 湖口县| 新河县| 抚远县| 双峰县| 乃东县| 溧阳市| 太康县| 霍林郭勒市| 治县。| 应城市| 昌宁县| 阳山县| 通州市| 浮山县| 房山区| 哈密市| 海盐县| 铁岭市| 东丰县|