
Product category
Product brand
Product characteristics
Product application
Impact resistance, low temperature resistance and high temperature resistance
Automobile oil pipe, cable sheath and film
Nylon 12
Impact resistance, low temperature resistance and high temperature resistance
Automobile oil pipe, cable sheath and film
Nylon 1010
Impact resistance, low temperature resistance and high temperature resistance
Automobile oil pipe, cable sheath and film
Nylon 610
Impact resistance, low temperature resistance and high temperature resistance
Automobile oil pipe, cable sheath and film
双桥区| 双城市| 新建县| 安远县| 深水埗区| 年辖:市辖区| 定南县| 义乌市| 盐亭县| 易门县| 盘山县| 六安市| 天门市| 禄丰县| 崇左市| 海丰县| 宜黄县| 荆州市| 阿克陶县| 海晏县| 邵武市| 济宁市| 庄河市| 平凉市| 三亚市| 甘德县| 海盐县| 阳原县| 湾仔区| 莲花县| 南开区| 资阳市| 鹿邑县| 达孜县| 客服| 岗巴县| 渝北区| 宜君县| 专栏| 聂荣县| 砀山县|